Wacom Grafički Tablet Intuos M Black
Size: 264 x 200 x 8.8 mm, Active area: 216 x 135 mm, Weight: 410 g, 10-inch active tablet area, 4 customizable ExpressKeys for faster, efficient shortcuts., 2 pen buttons for quick access shortcuts
Ovdje su 24 proizvoda.
Size: 264 x 200 x 8.8 mm, Active area: 216 x 135 mm, Weight: 410 g, 10-inch active tablet area, 4 customizable ExpressKeys for faster, efficient shortcuts., 2 pen buttons for quick access shortcuts
Dimension: 360×240×10mm, Workspace: 254×158.8mm, 8192 pressure sensitivity levels, ±60° tilt support, 5080 LPI pen resolution, Accuracy:±0.3mm, Sensing Height: 10mm, Report Rate:>220PPS, Digital Pen: PW100, 12 Programmable Press Keys, 16 Programmable Soft Keys, 10mm ultra-slim tablet with larger workspace, Interface: Micro USB, Weight: 770g, OS support: Windows/macOS/Android
Dimension: 552.2 x 315.3 x 21mm, Working Area: 434.88 x 238.68mm, Dual Touch Bar, Pen Resolution: 5080 LPI, Pressure Sensitivity: 8192Levels, Tilt Support: ±60°, Sensing Height: 10mm, Report Rate:>200PPS, Accuracy: ±0.5mm Center ±3mm Corner, Digital Pen: PW507, 16 Programmable press keys, Resolution: 19.5" 1920 x 1080, 16:9, IPS, AG Glass:Anti-glare etched glass, Full Lamination, Contrast Ratio: 1000:1, Brightness: 220cd/m2 (Max.), Response Time: 25ms, Gamut Volume:120% sRGB, Display Color:16.7M(8bit), Input Voltage: AC 100-240V, 178°viewing angle enables more delicacy to be explored, Interface: HDMI, DP, VGA, Weight: 3.6kg, OS support: Windows/macOS/Android
Dimension: 366.5 x 217.4 x 11.8mm, Working Area: 293.76 × 165.24mm, Pen Resolution: 5080 LPI, Pressure Sensitivity: 8192Levels, Tilt Support: ±60°, Sensing Height: 10mm, Report Rate: 266PPS, Accuracy: ±0.5mm, Center ±3mm Corner, Resolution: 13.3" 1920 x 1080, 16:9, IPS, AG Glass:Anti-glare matte film, Full Lamination, Contrast Ratio: 1000:1, Brightness: 220cd/m2, Response Time: 25ms, Gamut Volume: 120% sRGB, Display Color: 16.7M(8bit), Digital Pen: PW517, 8 Programmable Press Keys, Input Voltage: DC 5V, Can be powered by laptop directly via USB, Fast Connection Brought by 2 Type-C Ports, Connectivity with Android device is Supported, Interface: USB-C, Full-Featured USB-C, Weight: 980g, OS support: Windows/macOS/Android
Dimension: 260 x 147.7 x 8mm, Working Area: 160 x 100mm, Net Weight: 277g, Pen Resolution: 5080 LPI, Pressure Sensitivity: 8192 Levels, Accuracy:±0.3mm, Digital Pen: PW100, 6 Programmable Press Keys, Sensing Height: 10mm, Report Rate: 233PPS, 8mm ultra slim body is easy for carry plus passive electromagnetic induction technology, Full-covering lamination design, With turn on/off button, Interface: Micro USB, Weight: 277g, OS support: Windows/macOS/Android
Dimension: 276.7 x 170.6 x 8mm, Working Area: 203.2 x 127mm, Pen Resolution: 5080 LPI, Pressure Sensitivity: 8192Levels, Tilt Support: ±60°, Sensing Height: 10mm, Report Rate:>220PPS, Accuracy: ±0.3mm, Digital Pen: PW100, 8 Programmable Press Keys, Paper like full covered panel enables pen-on-paper drawing experience, Interface: USB-C, Weight: 343g, OS support: Windows/macOS/Android
Dimension:372.5 × 221.4mm × 8mm, Working Area:279.4 x 174.6 mm, Pen Resolution: 5080 LPI, Pressure Sensitivity: 8192Levels, Tilt Support: ±60°, Sensing Height: 10mm, Report Rate:>220PPS, Accuracy: ±0.3mm, 10 Programmable Press Keys, 16 Programmable Soft Keys, Digital Pen: PW100, Facilitate your operation with an added touch strip., Interface: USB-C, Weight: 570g, OS support: Windows/macOS/Android
Dimension: 352.5 × 208.7 × 7.5~9.5mm, Working Area: 266.7 x 166.7 mm, Pen Resolution: 5080 LPI, Pressure Sensitivity: 8192 Levels, Tilt Support: ±60°, Sensing Height:>10mm, Report Rate: >260PPS, Accuracy: ±0.3mm, Digital Pen: PW110 8, Programmable Press Keys+3 Group Keys+Scroller, Eell-built with a black and minimalist appearance, Left-handed artists can also immerse themselves in creation with 180° rotation, Interface: USB-C, Weight: 600g, OS compatibility: Windows, macOS, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and HarmonyOS
Display: 16 inch, Brush size: 121mm, Clearing capability: 60,000-70,000 times, Powered by a long-lasting battery the tablet offers uninterrupted creativity without the hassle of frequent battery changes.
Display: 16 inch, Brush size: 121mm, Clearing capability: 60,000-70,000 times, Powered by a long-lasting battery the tablet offers uninterrupted creativity without the hassle of frequent battery changes.
Display: 10 inch, Weight: 117 g, Brush size: 121mm, Clearing capability: 60,000-70,000 times, Powered by a long-lasting battery the tablet offers uninterrupted creativity without the hassle of frequent battery changes.
Xiaomi Mi LCD Writing Tablet je digitalna beležnica koju proizvodi Xiaomi, renomirana kineska tehnološka kompanija. Tablet je dizajniran da pruži modernu i ekološki prihvatljivu alternativu tradicionalnim papirima i bilježnicama. Posebno je korisno za bilježenje, pravljenje skica ili jednostavno zapisivanje ideja.Tablet ima LCD površinu za pisanje osjetljivu na pritisak koja vam omogućava da pišete ili crtate olovkom ili prstom. Nudi glatko i prirodno iskustvo pisanja, slično pisanju na papiru. Mi LCD tablet za pisanje dolazi u različitim veličinama, a najčešća veličina je oko 10 inča. Njegov tanak i lagan dizajn čini ga vrlo prenosivim, što vam omogućava da ga lako nosite u torbi ili ruksaku.Tablet obično ima funkciju brisanja jednim dodirom koja vam omogućava da izbrišete ceo sadržaj samo jednim pritiskom. Ovo čini zgodnim da počnete iznova bez potrebe za papirom i gumicama. Zahvaljujući LCD tehnologiji male potrošnje koja se koristi na ekranu, vijek trajanja baterije tableta je obično prilično impresivan. Može trajati nedeljama ili čak mesecima sa jednim punjenjem, u zavisnosti od upotrebe. Jedna od glavnih prednosti Xiaomi Mi LCD tableta za pisanje je njegova ekološka prihvatljivost. Korištenjem ovog uređaja možete značajno smanjiti otpad od papira, doprinoseći ekološkijem okolišu.Osim pisanja bilješki i crtanja, tablet može poslužiti i kao brz i jednostavan alat za pravljenje liste obaveza, ostavljanje bilješki ili obavljanje jednostavnih proračuna. Neke verzije Xiaomi Mi LCD tableta za pisanje mogu biti opremljene bežičnom vezom, što vam omogućava da sinhronizujete svoje beleške i crteže sa pametnim telefonom ili računarom.
Grafički tablet Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth Black idealan je za digitalne umjetnike i dizajnere, pružajući preciznost i osjetljivost na pritisak za prirodne poteze prilikom crtanja, uređivanja ili dizajniranja. Ovaj tablet dolazi s integrisanom Bluetooth funkcijom koja omogućava bežičnu povezanost, dajući vam slobodu kretanja i udobnost tokom rada. Kompatibilan je s najpoznatijim grafičkim softverima, omogućavajući fleksibilnost za razne kreativne projekte. Njegov elegantan crni dizajn je minimalistički i profesionalan, savršen za bilo koje radno okruženje. Lagana i prenosiva konstrukcija čini ga idealnim za upotrebu kod kuće, u školi ili na putu, omogućavajući vam da svoju kreativnost izrazite bilo gdje i bilo kada.