Ovdje su 11 proizvoda.
Set comprises 1 wireless remote control and 3 wireless power outlet receivers Incl. battery Instruction manual Works with SteckerChecker App Switching capacity: max. 1000W per receiver Coverage: up to 25 m Power consumption: > 1W
Power Cube surge protector, 6 sockets, 10 ft PURE POWER Protects valuable equipment from harmful power surges Suitable for high power consumption devices Overload protection Safe for children
Designed for electrical loads up to 16 A High quality flame-retardant plastic case Child protection shutters on each socket Two USB ports allow charging two simultanious devices with total power consumption up to 2A Monitors that the USB charging circuit is working correctly
PURE POWER Protects valuable equipment from harmful power surges Suitable for high power consumption devices Overload protection Indicates correct grounding Self-diagnostic Safe for children
PURE POWER Protects valuable equipment from harmful power surges Suitable for high power consumption devices Overload protection Indicates correct grounding Self-diagnostic Safe for children
CyberPower B0520SC0 idealan je za zaštitu u kućanstvima / kod rada kod kuće ili u malim uredima. Izlazi s tehnologijom MOV štite uređaj za prenaponsku zaštitu i spojenu elektroničku opremu od nepravilnosti u napajanju i udara munje. - Prenaponska zaštita - Zaštita od preopterećenja - Best-in-class Dustproof Design - Rupe za zidnu montažu
CCyberPower P0420SUD0-DE idealan je za zaštitu od prenapona kod kuće / ureda. Prenaponska zaštita dizajniran je tehnologijom Metal Oksid Varistor (MOV) za zaštitu od prenaponskog udara i spojene elektroničke opreme apsorbiranjem šiljaka energije uzrokovanih olujama i strujnim naprezanjem. S USB priključcima za punjenje, zaštitnik od prenapona može brzo puniti i napajati USB uređaje i mobilnu opremu. Proizvod također ima zaštitu od preopterećenja, kućište otporno na udarce i još mnogo toga, što pruža pouzdanu zaštitu vaših elektroničkih uređaja. ZNAČAJKE Prenaponska zaštita USB priključak za punjenje Dizajn otporan na prašinu, najbolji u svojoj klasi Zaštita od preopterećenja Zaštita na razini računala Rupe za zidnu montažu
CyberPower P0820SUF0-DE is ideal for home/office surge protections. The surge protector is designed with Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) technology to safeguard the surge suppressor and connected electronic equipment by absorbing spikes in energy caused by storms and electrical power surges. With USB charging ports, the surge protector can rapidly charge and power USB devices and mobile accessories. The product also features overload protection, EMI/RFI filtration, impact-resistant casing and more, providing reliable protection for your electronic devices. ZNAČAJKE: Prenaponska zaštita Zaštita od preopterećenja USB Charging Port(s) Zaštita na razini računala Best-in-class Dustproof Design Rupe za zidnu montažu
N-type M-F connector, Protects your device from lightning strikes and other electrical surges
Remote Control Instantly turn connected devices on/off wherever you are through the Tapo app; Schedule Preset a schedule to automatically manage devices; Timer - Create countdown timer lists for connected electronics; Voice Control Manage your smart plug with voice commands via Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant; Away Mode Automatically turns devices on and off at different times to give the appearance that someone is home; Compact Design - Mini-sized to avoid blocking adjacent sockets Easy Setup and Use - No hub required, set up quickly and manage easily through the free app.